If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow, and which will not, speak.
University Education
PhD on the dynamics of complex networks with Thilo Gross.
2010-2014 | Max-Planck-Institute for physics of complex systems, Dresden (GERMANY). |
2012-2013 | University of Bristol, MV School of Engineering Mathematics, Bristol (UK). |
Saar-Lor-Lux Program in Physics (Master of Science / Diplom in Physik 2010).
2008-2010 | Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy (FRANCE). |
2006-2007 | Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken (GERMANY). |
2004-2006 | Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg (LUXEMBURG). |
Research on protein folding (as Fulbright Exchange Student).
2007-2008 | Michigan State University, East Lansing (USA). |
Awarded Scholarships
May 2013 | SIAM Student Travel Award & Bristol Alumni Foundation Travel Award for the SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems. |
2012-2013 | PhD scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation. |
2007-2008 | Scholarship of the Fulbright Commission. |
2004-2010 | Student Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation. |
2011-2012 | Thermodynamics and statistical physics (exercise classes), TU Dresden (GERMANY). |
2010-2011 | Undergraduate experimental classes in physics, TU Dresden (GERMANY). |
2007-2008 | Electronics II (exercise classes teaching assistant), Michigan State University (USA). |
2006-2007 | Undergraduate experimental classes in physics, Universität des Saarlands (GERMANY). |
Committee Work
2008-2010 | Student Representative for the subject commitee "Natural Sciences" of Campus Europae, a European university network promoting international exchange and intercultural communication. |
2005-2006 | Student Representative for Culture and Sports (CEUL) at University of Luxemburg. |